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The Frozen Envelope Theory: A Deep Dive into the 1985 NBA Draft

The Origin of the Frozen Envelope Theory

In the world of sports conspiracy theories, one that has captivated basketball fans for decades is the infamous “Frozen Envelope Theory.” This theory suggests that the NBA rigged its draft lottery in 1985 to ensure that the New York Knicks, a struggling and marketable franchise, would land the first overall pick and select Georgetown University’s star center, Patrick Ewing. The belief is rooted in the suspicion that the league deliberately manipulated the process, with a frozen or chilled envelope representing the key element in this alleged scheme.

The 1985 NBA Draft Lottery

The NBA Draft Lottery was introduced in 1985 as a means to determine the draft order for the teams that did not make the playoffs. The participating teams had envelopes with their team logos placed in a drum, and NBA Commissioner David Stern would draw them one by one to determine the draft order. The team whose logo was drawn first secured the coveted first overall pick.

The intrigue surrounding the 1985 lottery intensified due to the high stakes involved. Patrick Ewing, a highly-touted prospect, was expected to be a transformative player for whichever team had the fortune of selecting him. The New York Knicks, a major market team, were struggling on the court and in attendance, making them a prime candidate for a lottery fix, according to conspiracy theorists.

The Frozen Envelope Allegation

The crux of the Frozen Envelope Theory lies in the claim that the NBA intentionally froze or chilled the envelope containing the Knicks’ logo. The theory suggests that a frozen envelope would feel different to the touch, allowing Stern to identify and favorably select it during the lottery drawing. While there is no concrete evidence supporting this allegation, it has persisted over the years as a compelling narrative for those who believe in the existence of behind-the-scenes manipulation in professional sports.

Analysis of the Allegation

Proponents of the theory point to various perceived anomalies during the lottery drawing as evidence of foul play. They argue that Stern’s actions, such as briefly pausing and feeling the envelopes before making a selection, were indicative of a deliberate effort to ensure the Knicks secured the top pick. However, skeptics contend that these actions could be attributed to simple theatrics or a desire to build suspense rather than an orchestrated plan to favor a specific team.

Furthermore, the notion of a frozen or chilled envelope being identifiable by touch is speculative at best. The actual mechanics of how such an envelope could be singled out without arousing suspicion remain unclear, and critics argue that the theory lacks a plausible explanation for the logistics of implementing such a scheme.

Alternative Explanations

While the Frozen Envelope Theory has captured the imaginations of many basketball enthusiasts, alternative explanations for the 1985 NBA Draft Lottery outcome exist. One plausible explanation is that the Knicks’ logo simply had a higher probability of being selected due to the construction of the lottery system. Additionally, chance plays a significant role in any lottery, and the selection of the Knicks as the first overall pick could have been a result of random probability rather than intentional manipulation.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis of the 1985 NBA Draft Lottery supports the idea that the outcome was within the realm of probability. Researchers have examined the odds of the Knicks landing the top pick based on the number of envelopes in the lottery drum and found that the result was not statistically anomalous. While this data doesn’t definitively disprove the Frozen Envelope Theory, it does introduce an element of rationality to the discussion, suggesting that the outcome may have been a product of chance rather than conspiracy.

Was the 1985 NBA Draft rigged? Find out on the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network.

The Legacy of the Frozen Envelope Theory

Despite the lack of concrete evidence supporting the Frozen Envelope Theory, it has left an enduring mark on NBA history. The speculation and intrigue surrounding the 1985 lottery drawing have become ingrained in basketball folklore, contributing to a broader narrative of skepticism towards the league’s transparency in its decision-making processes.

Impact on Trust and Perception

The persistence of conspiracy theories like the Frozen Envelope Theory has ramifications beyond the specific events in question. It raises questions about the public’s trust in the integrity of professional sports leagues and their ability to conduct fair and unbiased processes. Even in the absence of definitive evidence, the mere existence of such theories can erode confidence in the authenticity of outcomes, casting a shadow over the league’s operations.


In the world of sports, conspiracy theories often emerge in response to perceived irregularities or controversial outcomes. The Frozen Envelope Theory, centered around the 1985 NBA Draft Lottery, is a prime example of how speculation can endure over the years, even in the absence of concrete evidence. While the theory has become a part of basketball lore, it is essential to approach such claims with a critical mindset, considering alternative explanations and examining the available data before drawing conclusions about the integrity of the sports we love.