The Climate Change Scam
How global organizations are using agendas, lies and fear to dupe the public into lining their pocket for a phony “existential threat” called Climate Change or Global Warming. No matter how you phrase it, it’s one of the biggest lies in human history.
In just a few minutes, Geologist Professor Ian Plimer dismantles the foundational lie of “man-made global warming,” the cornerstone upon which the Net Zero agenda is constructed.
“Sorry folks. We’ve known for 200 years from chemistry that it’s the exact inverse.” Have a listen below.
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Here’s the transcript:
I don’t have opinions. I have demonstrable facts. These facts are validated and these facts are repeatable. Fact number one, no one has ever shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. Never been shown. And if it could be shown, then you would have to show that the 97% of emissions, which are natural, do not drive global warming. Game over. We are dealing with a fraud. That’s a scientific fraud from day one. When you hear the propaganda that increases of the gas of life, a trace gas in the atmosphere, will bring a disaster and that we will have runaway global warming.
Sorry folks. We’ve known for 200 years from chemistry that it’s the exact inverse. Now, I’m sure some of you tried this last night at the dinner with a champagne or a beer, and you forgot to drink it, and it warmed up and it kept bubbling and bubbling and bubbling and bubbling. And that is the inverse solubility of carbon dioxide. We’ve known that for 200 years. We see it from the ice cores when we drill into ice. We have chemical fingerprints that tell us what the temperature was. And we have little bits of trapped air. And we can show that when we had natural warming, some 650 to 6,000 years later, we had an increase in carbon dioxide. It’s not carbon dioxide that drives temperature. It’s the exact inverse. Another fraud.
Australian geologist, Viv Forbes, explains why geologists reject the human-induced climate change scam:
“They’ve read a bit of geological history. They’ve read climate history. They know there is nothing new about today’s climate. There’s nothing extreme, there’s nothing new, the fluctuations are very minor, the temperature is very moderate. And even if it warms up a bit, we’ll probably benefit.” See the post on X
Australian geologist, Viv Forbes, explains why geologists reject the human-induced climate change scam:
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) April 8, 2024
"They've read a bit of geological history. They've read climate history. They know there is nothing new about today's climate. There's nothing extreme, there's nothing new,…
Even the Greenpeace co-Founder Thinks Global Warming is a Lie
I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication.
Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: "The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that CO2 is causing the Earth to warm… I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication."…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) March 14, 2024
Inconvenient truths on net zero.
— James Melville 🚜 (@JamesMelville) July 24, 2024
Climate Change is Natural:
The main factors behind climate shifts are the natural cycles in Earth’s orbit. Ice ages occur roughly every 100,000 years because Earth’s orbit shifts from elliptical to circular every 100,000 years. To surpass the peak of the last interglacial period 105,000 years ago, the average global temperature would need to rise by 4 degrees Celsius.
Why Doesn’t the Climate Cult Hold China Accountable for Its Polution?
China emits more CO2 than the entire developed world combined—approving the equivalent of two new coal plants every week.
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) March 14, 2024
Why don't Al Gore, John Kerry, Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg or the rest of the totalitarian climate cult ever mention that?
Instead they talk about shutting…
Dr. Willie Soon
Dr. Willie Soon is an astrophysicist and a geoscientist based in Salem, Massachusetts, USA. He spoke at The Heartland Institute’s 15th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC15) on Feb. 25, 2023, where he talks about the idea that human activities are the main cause of climate change.
Academic Qualifications
- 1991 Ph.D., University of Southern California, Aerospace Engineering (with distinction) Dissertation Topic: Nonequilibrium Kinetics in High-Temperature Gases.
- 1987 M.Sc., University of Southern California, Aerospace Engineering.
- 1985 B.Sc., University of Southern California, Aerospace Engineering (Cum Laude).
See More Real, Truthful Evidence from the Heartland Institute
No AP, New York Lawsuit Claims About Beef and Greenhouse Gases are Bogus
Check Your Facts, CNN, Human Emissions Aren’t Driving ‘Doomsday Glacier’ Decline
PBS Almost Admits CO2 and Warming Are Good for Crop Production, Almost!
Here’s my take:
Now don’t get me wrong, I think humans are harming the earth in more ways than one. But to be so arrogant to think that we, human beings, can kill the earth is perposterous. Mother Earth has dealt with a lot bigger threats than humans. Think about it: asteroids, comets, and space debris are bigger potential threats to wreak havoc on the earth than humans. Mother Earth dealt with ice ages (“glacials”) and warm periods (“interglacials”) on roughly 100,000-year cycles for at least the last 1 million years. And, SHE took care of the dinosaurs for crying out loud.
Illegal Fishing is Killing the Ocean
In all seriousness, killing the oceans through big illegal fishing, plastics and pollution pose a greater threat to the earth than global warming. Oceana says illegal fishing is a big deal for our oceans. They estimate about 30% of the seafood caught worldwide comes from dodgy sources doing Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.
Plastic Pollution is Killing Marine Life
Plastic pollution seriously endangers marine life, causing thousands of animal deaths annually. Around 13 million metric tons of plastic flood into the ocean yearly, likened to a garbage truck dumping its load every single minute. This plastic menace ensnares marine creatures or gets ingested by them, leading to suffocation, starvation, and drowning. Fish and birds often mistake plastic bits for food, while sea turtles, oysters, and mussels might consume it, risking digestive blockages and death.
What Happens if the Oceans Die?
If the ocean died, it would lead to catastrophic consequences for life on Earth. Marine ecosystems would collapse, leading to the extinction of countless species, disrupting global food chains, and causing widespread famine. The loss of the ocean’s ability to regulate climate would result in extreme weather patterns, rising sea levels, and further exacerbate global warming. Additionally, the loss of oxygen production from marine plants would threaten the survival of terrestrial organisms, including humans. Overall, it would trigger an ecological and humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale.
Final Thoughts
Yes, humans have definitely impacted Mother Earth quite a bit, but let’s not forget, SHE has dealt with much bigger threats before. From asteroids and comets to natural cycles like ice ages, and warm periods, Mother Earth has demonstrated remarkable resilience. SHE’s tough, no doubt about it.
However, the current challenges posed by illegal fishing and plastic pollution are urgent and severe – far more than the “Global Warming, Climate Change” hoax. These problems aren’t just about saving cute dolphins and turtles—they cause chaos with the whole global ecosystem and even threaten our own survival. You kill the ocean, we all die. So, tackling these issues is crucial to protect the well-being and sustainability of our planet, securing a future where everyone can thrive. – Clever Driscoll