The controversy surrounding the New England Patriots' alleged deliberate deflation of footballs during the 2015 AFC Championship Game. The NFL claimed the under-inflated balls gave the team an unfair advantage. Quarterback Tom Brady faced suspension, and the incident sparked debates about sportsmanship, integrity, and NFL regulations.
Clever Driscoll
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Did Tom Brady cheat with New England Patriots?


On January 18, 2015, the New England Patriots and the Indianapolis Colts faced off in the AFC Championship Game at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts. The game would become the epicenter of the Deflategate controversy.

The Investigation

Initial Findings

The NFL, prompted by concerns about underinflated footballs, launched an investigation led by attorney Ted Wells. Initial findings revealed that 11 of the 12 footballs used by the Patriots in the first half were below the minimum PSI threshold, sparking suspicions of a rules violation.

Allegations Against the Patriots

As the investigation progressed, attention turned to star quarterback Tom Brady. The Wells Report, released in May 2015, concluded it was “more probable than not” that the Patriots deliberately deflated footballs, with Brady being “at least generally aware” of the situation.

(From Wikipedia) The NFL began an investigation into the underinflation of the game balls in the 2014–2015 playoffs. The report of the investigation was released in May 2015.

On January 22, Patriots head coach Bill Belichick indicated that he did not know anything about the balls being underinflated until the day after the event, and that the New England Patriots would “cooperate fully” with any investigation. He said,

When I came in Monday morning, I was shocked to hear about the news reports about the footballs. I had no knowledge of the situation until Monday morning. […] I think we all know that quarterbacks, kickers, specialists have certain preferences on the footballs. They know a lot more than I do. They’re a lot more sensitive to it than I am. I hear them comment on it from time to time, but I can tell you, and they will tell you, that there’s never any sympathy whatsoever from me on that subject. Zero. […] Tom’s personal preferences on his footballs are something that he can talk about in much better detail and information than I could possibly provide.

Patriots quarterback Tom Brady initially referred to the accusations as “ridiculous”. Brady also held a news conference on January 22, preparing his team with a talk beforehand. He denied any involvement and stated that the National Football League had not contacted him in regard to their investigation. He went on to say that he was “handling the situation before the Super Bowl”.

HeadSmart Labs found that similar weather changes caused an average 1.8 psi drop in football pressure. They also reported that the air in an electric pump could reach 130 °F.

(From Wikipedia) On January 27, an anonymous league source stated that the investigation was focusing on a Patriots locker room attendant who was seen on surveillance video taking the 24 game footballs (12 from each team) into a restroom for approximately 90 seconds. This video was provided to the NFL by the New England Patriots the day after the 45–7 Patriots victory.

Blandino confirmed on January 29 that the NFL checks, but does not log, the pregame pressure of each football, and therefore is no record of where in the 12.5 to 13.5 psi range each Patriots and Colts football was before the game. In the same news conference, referee Bill Vinovich said,

We test them. It’s 12.5 to 13.5. We put 13 in every ball. … Dean tested a couple in the office and had one underinflated and one to specs, and you really couldn’t tell the difference unless you actually sat there and tried to squeeze the thing or did some extraordinary thing. If someone just tossed you the ball, especially in 20 degree weather, you’re going to pretty much play with the ball. They are going to be hard. You’re not going to notice the difference.

Ian Rapoport released a report February 1 citing anonymous league sources who indicated that amongst the 11 of the 12 footballs used in the first half judged by the officials to be under the minimum PSI, just one was two pounds under, while “many” were just a few ticks under.

The investigation also found that officials noticed during the game that a game ball was missing, and two different officials handed replacement balls to a Patriots equipment manager. One of those officials was reportedly fired from the NFL for selling game balls for personal profit, though the NFL denied this claim. The Patriots even submitted an amicus brief on behalf of Brady, who filed a federal lawsuit against the league to overturn his suspension, straddling the line between NFL stakeholder and whistleblower.

Reactions and Fallout

League Response

In response to the Wells Report, the NFL imposed sanctions on the Patriots, including a $1 million fine and the forfeiture of draft picks. Tom Brady received a four-game suspension for the 2015 season.

Legal Challenge

Brady and the NFL Players Association challenged the suspension in federal court. In September 2015, U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman overturned Brady’s suspension, citing procedural deficiencies in the league’s handling of the case.

Public Opinion

The controversy divided fans, with Patriots supporters vehemently defending the team, while detractors accused them of cheating. The incident left a lasting impact on public perception of the Patriots and Brady.

Factors Fueling the Controversy

Previous Patriots Controversies

The Patriots’ involvement in controversies like “Spygate” in 2007 contributed to the perception that the team was willing to push the boundaries of fair play.

Competitive Nature of the NFL

The highly competitive nature of the NFL, where teams constantly seek any advantage, real or perceived, fueled the intensity of the controversy.

Media Sensation

The 24/7 sports news cycle and widespread coverage in mainstream media and on social platforms amplified the impact of Deflategate, making it a dominant topic of discussion for an extended period.

Impact on the NFL

Rule Changes

Following Deflategate, the NFL implemented changes to the handling and inspection of game balls, with officials maintaining stricter control over inflation levels.

Legacy and Perception

While the Patriots continued to achieve success, the controversy left a lasting mark on the team’s legacy. The specter of Deflategate lingered as a point of contention for critics.

Broader Implications

Deflategate prompted discussions about the NFL’s disciplinary procedures, the influence of individual teams on the league, and the balance between competitive edge and sportsmanship. It also raised questions about the role of technology and data in enforcing the rules of the game.

Lessons Learned

Integrity of the Game

Deflategate underscored the importance of upholding the integrity of professional sports. Maintaining a level playing field is crucial for the credibility of the league and the enjoyment of fans.

Athlete Accountability

The controversy emphasized the scrutiny placed on high-profile athletes and their accountability for actions both on and off the field.

Role of Investigations

The Deflategate saga highlighted the complexities and challenges of conducting investigations in the world of professional sports, emphasizing the need for transparency, fairness, and the pursuit of truth.

Public Opnion of Tom Brady after Deflategate

Public opinion of Tom Brady after Deflategate is diverse and often reflects pre-existing biases and loyalties. The controversy polarized fans, and opinions about Brady’s involvement and the severity of the punishment varied widely. Here are some general trends in public opinion:

Supporters of Tom Brady:

  1. Patriots Fans: Many New England Patriots fans staunchly supported Tom Brady, viewing the accusations as an attack on their team’s success. They saw the punishment as excessive and believed Brady was unfairly targeted.
  2. Believers in Innocence: Some fans and analysts maintained that there was insufficient evidence to prove Brady’s direct involvement in intentional deflation. They argued that the controversy was blown out of proportion and that Brady was innocent of any wrongdoing.
  3. Loyalists Focused on Success: For those primarily concerned with on-field success, Brady’s continued achievements, including subsequent Super Bowl victories, played a crucial role in shaping a positive narrative. Success on the field helped mitigate the negative impact of Deflategate for many fans.

Critics of Tom Brady:

  1. Accusations of Cheating: Opponents of the Patriots, and Brady by extension, pointed to the team’s history, including the “Spygate” controversy, and viewed Deflategate as another instance of cheating. Some argued that regardless of Brady’s direct involvement, the team had a pattern of questionable behavior.
  2. Tarnished Legacy: Some football purists and critics believed that even if Brady wasn’t directly responsible for deflating footballs, the controversy tarnished his legacy. They argued that a lack of sportsmanship and integrity overshadowed his accomplishments.
  3. Increased Scrutiny: Deflategate brought increased scrutiny to Brady’s reputation, leading to more intense examination of his actions on and off the field. This scrutiny fueled negative opinions, with some fans perceiving arrogance or a lack of accountability.

Neutral Observers:

  1. Mixed Views on Punishment: Some neutral observers acknowledged that the punishment meted out to Brady and the Patriots might have been severe, considering the evidence presented. However, they also acknowledged that the controversy raised questions about the team’s commitment to fair play.
  2. Impact on the NFL’s Image: The controversy prompted discussions about the NFL’s handling of disciplinary matters, with some expressing concerns about the league’s consistency and transparency. Neutral observers were interested in how the NFL addressed such controversies and maintained the integrity of the game.

Ongoing Legacy:

While opinions about Tom Brady and Deflategate have evolved over time, they continue to influence discussions about his legacy. Brady’s later successes, including Super Bowl victories with the Patriots and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, have shaped a narrative of resilience and on-field excellence, helping to sway public opinion in his favor.

It’s crucial to note that public opinion is diverse and subjective, influenced by individual biases, team allegiances, and personal perspectives on the ethics of sportsmanship.


The Deflategate controversy remains a fascinating and contentious chapter in the history of the National Football League (NFL). The saga, centered around the alleged intentional deflation of footballs during the 2015 AFC Championship Game, sparked a range of reactions and opinions that continue to shape discussions about the sport, integrity, and the legacy of key figures, particularly Tom Brady.

The diverse public opinions on Deflategate reflect the deep-rooted loyalties, biases, and perceptions of fans and observers alike. For supporters of Tom Brady, especially New England Patriots fans, the controversy is often seen as an unfair attack on a successful team and quarterback. The argument of insufficient evidence or the belief in Brady’s innocence is prevalent among this group, who view the punishment as excessive.

Conversely, critics of Tom Brady and the Patriots perceive Deflategate as part of a pattern of questionable behavior, pointing to the team’s history, including the “Spygate” scandal. For them, the controversy tarnished Brady’s legacy, highlighting concerns about sportsmanship and fair play.

Neutral observers find themselves caught between acknowledging the severity of the punishment and questioning the league’s handling of disciplinary matters. The impact of Deflategate on the NFL’s image is a key consideration for this group, as the controversy raised broader questions about the consistency and transparency of the league’s decision-making.

Despite the controversy’s divisive nature, one cannot overlook Tom Brady’s resilience and success on the field in the years following Deflategate. His continued achievements, including multiple Super Bowl victories with both the Patriots and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, have contributed to reshaping the narrative surrounding his legacy. For many, the focus has shifted from the off-field controversy to his enduring on-field excellence.

Deflategate was born out of a seemingly straightforward football game and transcended its origins to become a symbol of the intricate intersection between sports, ethics, and the public eye. The controversy, with its legal battles, media frenzy, and impact on the NFL, revealed the fragility of the balance between competition and fair play. While the specifics of Deflategate may fade over time, its legacy endures as a cautionary tale about the broader implications of controversies in the world of professional sports.

In the end, Deflategate serves as a case study in the complex interplay between sports, fandom, ethics, and the media. It highlights the impact of controversies on an athlete’s reputation and the enduring nature of public opinion. As the NFL and its players navigate future challenges, the lessons learned from Deflategate continue to influence discussions about the balance between competitive edge and sportsmanship in professional sports.

More about Deflategate

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