Author: Clever Driscoll

The Climate Change Scam

For years, politicians, governments, organizations, and so-called “experts” have been framing an outright lie about how humans are killing the earth through “Global Warming.” Those arrogant mouthpieces have been shaming you as the culprit, while they jet-set around the globe, creating a larger “carbon foot print” in one trip than 100 average people create in a month. It’s a scam and the truth is finally rearing its head.

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Election Interference: How the 2020 Election was Rigged

Explore the intricate web of alleged election interference in the 2020 Presidential election, uncovering suspicious patterns and controversies that suggest it was rigged. We dive into key events and claims, scrutinizing the integrity of the electoral process and the impact on democracy. Uncover the evidence and perspectives surrounding this contentious issue.

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